
简介:故事发生在维多利亚时期(约1836-1901),讲述了博士的好朋友Amy Pond和Rory Williams被哭泣的天使带走后他自己经历的一段低迷难过的时期,而后来又是如何走出来的。

简介:故事发生在1926年的纽约,彼时,麻鸡们对魔法师的抵制达到了最高峰,由玛丽露(萨曼莎·莫顿 Samantha Morton 饰)所领导的反魔法组织活动频繁。与此同时,街头巷尾之中时时发生的种种灾难意外让魔法世界的存在离暴露仅有一线之隔,整个魔法部陷入了空前紧张的气氛之中。 就在这个节骨眼上,环游世界进行着研究神奇魔法动物之行动的魔法动物学家纽特(埃迪·雷德梅恩 Eddie Redmayne 饰)抵达了纽约,他随身携带的魔法手提箱里,装着几十种他一路营救的魔法动物们,而他的一举一动,均处于隶属于魔法部的前傲罗蒂娜(凯瑟琳·沃特森 Katherine Waterston 饰)的监视之下。一场意外中,麻鸡雅各布(丹·福格勒 Dan Fogler 饰)误拿了纽特的手提箱,并且放出了藏在箱子里的魔法动物,为此,纽特、蒂娜、雅各布和蒂娜的妹妹奎妮(艾莉森·苏朵儿 Alison Sudol 饰)不得不踏上了寻找魔法动物的旅途。

简介:During the US Civil War, Union POWs escape in a balloon and end up stranded on a South Pacific island, inhabited by giant plants and animals. They must use their ingenuity to survive the dangers, and to devise a way to return home. Sequel to '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea' . Written by Stewart M. Clamen In 1865, during the siege of Richmond, Virginia, the union soldiers POW Captain Harding, Neb and Herbert escape in a balloon during a storm with two confederate prisoners, Sergeant Pencroft and the journalist Spilett. The uncontrollable wind takes the balloon to a mysterious island in the South Pacific in the area of New Zealand. Captain Harding self-proclaims the leader of the group and they look for food; sooner they discover that they are stranded in an island. Further, they are attacked by a giant crab that becomes their first meal. Along the days, they build a shelter and finds that the island is inhabited by giant animals. A couple of days later, they find two castaways on the beach, the aristocratic Lady Mary Fairchild and her sexy niece Elena. Later they find a trunk with weapons and instruments like sextant and shelter with a journal of a man left alone in the island by pirates. When the pirate vessel arrives in the island, they are helped by Captain Nemo of the Nautilus, a submarine that had supposedly sunk in the coast of Mexico eight years ago. Nemo is famous as the man that tried to end strike among man. When the volcano begins activity, they need to leave the island to save their lives. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
